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8LSA75.DA030S000-3 - 8LS synchronous motors
8LSA75.DA030S000-3 - 8LS synchronous motors
- Certifications
- CE Yes
- UKCA Yes
- UL cURus E360421
- Servo and stepper motors - Component
Synchronous motor, number of pole pairs: 5 pairs, nominal speed: 3,000 rpm, stall torque: 43.000 Nm, without brake, smooth shaft, angled connector (swivel) single-cable solution, centering diameter 180 mm, j6 fit (self-cooling, construction type A), IP64 protection, without oil seal 560 VDC, brake holding torque: 0.00 Nm, DA ind. 32-line single-turn V2
Do pobrania
Dane techniczne
Synchronous motor;
pole pair number:
3 pair;
rated speed:
3.000 min-1
stall torque:
40,000 Nm;
without holding brake;
smooth shaft;
connector angled swivel connector (single cable solution);
Centering diameter 180 mm;
Tolerance j6 self-cooling,
design A;
protection class IP64;
without oil seal;
holding torque brake:
0,00 Nm;
DA ind.
32lines singlet
Gwarancja producenta na 1 rok
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